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Grow YOUR Business

Target Marketing - Image of a target and arrows in the bullseyeAccurately defining Your Target Market is THE most important success factor of marketing your business. Otherwise, how do you find new qualified prospects?

Your best prospects for new business are always your existing customers.

They know you and like you, and so are much easier to sell another product or service to than a brand new prospect.

Your second best target sector are former customers who already know something about you. Unless you have seriously upset them somehow in the past, there is always a good chance they will buy again.

Finally, the next best target sector include those prospects who “look” like, or have similar characteristics to your existing, or former, best customers.

We help you identify and profile your best customers. Once you know who your best customers are and what their profile is we help you find your best prospects.

Then to engage with your various target groups in the most efficient way, you need marketing campaigns that are:

  • Targeted
Directed to that specific target sector using the most relevant channel for them.
  • Personalised
Show them you know them by the way you speak to them, your understanding of their business needs, and illustrate how your offer to them meets their needs.
  • Engaging
Get their involvement and participation by asking questions and seeking responses
  • Measurable, and
Set up systems to test and measure all responses you generate
  • Accountable
Have the ability to calculate ROI to justify continued or increased investment in your campaigns.

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